Kongesjaluppen (KSJ) Stjernen I (The Star I) is a boat formerly used by the King of Norway for short sea transport on official occasions. It was built by Akers Mek. Verksted in Oslo as build number 189 in 1899. It is 17 meters long, 3 meters wide and weighs 11 tons. The boat is powered by a steam engine. The boat was in royal service from 1899 to the German invasion of Norway in 1940. It was in German service for the duration of the war and by the end of the war it was in a totally gutted state and eventually sold. It was rediscovered by enthusiasts and restored during the 1990s and early 2000s. It was relaunched in 2001 and is currently owned by the foundation created for the preservation of Stjernen I. It has now again been used by the King on a few official occasions.